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Film Bilder ❘ Science Photo Library
14079010 - Sound of film recorder, illustration
13477125 - Diagram of camera showing projection of an object onto film
13226525 - X-ray film, X-ray
14079007 - Hand-cranked film projector, 1898, illustration
13620106 - Light refracting on bubble film surface
13619900 - Light refracting on bubble film surface
13619898 - Light refracting on bubble film surface
13620105 - Light refracting on bubble film surface
13619899 - Light refracting on bubble film surface
13226531 - X-ray film, X-ray
13619895 - Light refracting on bubble film surface
13619897 - Light refracting on bubble film surface
13619896 - Light refracting on bubble film surface
13226573 - Film camera, X-ray
13470922 - Three rolls of film
12914625 - Robbie the Robot, from the film 'Forbidden Planet', 1956
13478258 - Rolls of film and slides
12904452 - Film makers on the Albert Embankment, London
13226574 - Film reel, X-ray
13226532 - X-ray film, X-ray
13226528 - X-ray film, X-ray
13226139 - Skeleton looking at x-ray film, X-ray
13226529 - X-ray film, X-ray
13226458 - Film of personal computer and keyboard, X-ray
13454962 - Film projector
13226526 - X-ray film, X-ray
12987044 - Film poster about toilets in India
13250374 - 35mm film camera, X-ray
12401431 - Film reel and clapperboard, illustration
12968594 - Vintage camera and film
12970133 - Apollo 17 film strip negative
12420244 - Collagen film
12420245 - Collagen film
12968488 - Vintage camera and film
12396951 - Film reel and camera, illustration
11698048 - Film camera,X-ray
12968595 - Vintage camera and film
12401870 - Film projector, illustration
12055989 - Quo Vadis film poster,1913
12628411 - Dental Bitewing X-Ray Film Holder
11698049 - 16mm film camera,X-ray
12096273 - Thin-film photovoltaic cell
12494757 - Solar cell printed on flexible film
11649618 - Disabled film projectionist,1919
12628410 - Dental Bitewing X-Ray Film Holder
12629556 - Audience at 3D IMAX Film
12096274 - Thin-film photovoltaic cell
11644208 - Soap film colours and patterns
11832408 - Photographic film
11649706 - J. Stuart Blackton,UK-US film producer
11644205 - Soap film colours and patterns
11621998 - Film camera
11644209 - Soap film colours and patterns
11635482 - Captain Scott film poster,1913
12096275 - Thin-film photovoltaic cell
11644204 - Soap film colours and patterns
11814996 - Photographic film,illustration
11742708 - Film about human ancestors
11522541 - Scratches on film
11644207 - Soap film colours and patterns
11902875 - Production of tubular film for making plastic bags
11644212 - Soap film colours and patterns
11560289 - 35mm photographic colour slide film
11852963 - Heart surgery film
11631458 - End of film,conceptual artwork
11523068 - Arene film,AFM
11814997 - Photographic film,illustration
11742707 - Film about human ancestors
11577103 - Early film reel and sound coding
11519064 - Soap film
11814998 - Photographic film,illustration
11618224 - Kinetoscope film advert,1913
11832409 - Photographic film,computer artwork
11825376 - PLM of a polypropylene film for adhesive plasters
11832406 - Roll of 35mm photographic film
11742709 - Film about human ancestors
11742695 - Film about human ancestors
11832413 - Photographic film roll
11832410 - Photographic film,computer artwork
11519547 - Giant soap film
12027044 - Polymer Film
11832412 - Film editing,computer artwork
11832407 - Photographic film
11604650 - Film dubbing
11591053 - Plastic film production
11905401 - 1950s film projector
11897331 - Speed camera film
11832404 - LM of Kodachrome 64 film emulsion
11764013 - Photographic film
11832405 - Rolls of cine 35mm film & cans
11770610 - Photographic film
11770609 - Photographic film
11519063 - Soap film
11902743 - Worker checks the quality of film used in flooring
11832414 - Photographic film roll
11770611 - Photographic film
11637505 - Synthetic diamond film
11637481 - Synthetic diamond film production
11560288 - Photographic colour slide film
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