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Allergien Bilder ❘ Science Photo Library
13950284 - Swollen tongue
13524479 - Nasal spray use
13951564 - Snack vendor at vegan food festival
13838768 - Allergies, conceptual illustration
13839227 - Microbiome and allergy development, conceptual illustration
13453060 - Pollen trapped in mucus on nose hair, SEM
13523799 - Adrenaline pen
13453063 - Pollen trapped in mucus on nose hair, SEM
13470974 - Allergic conjunctivitis
13453062 - Pollen trapped in mucus on nose hair, SEM
13453064 - Pollen trapped in mucus on nose hair, SEM
13386811 - EpiPens
12390442 - Woman making the bed
13296674 - Medical consultation
13297145 - Tissue
13297146 - Tissue
13454523 - Airshower
13453772 - Man using a nasal spray
13297235 - Walnuts
12949376 - Man using an app on his smartphone in a supermarket
12645354 - Drug allergy reaction
12490594 - Man using an inhaler during an asthma attack
13297046 - Flowers arranged as lungs
13452366 - EpiPen
13297047 - Flowers arranged as lungs
12950082 - Woman beating pillows at the window
12949358 - Man using an app on his smartphone in a supermarket
12385487 - Woman with hay fever blowing her nose
13470973 - Allergic conjunctivitis
12950057 - Woman walking in a field
12527152 - Mastzellen IgE 5000x - aktivierte Mastzellen (Mastozyten), 5000-1
13964469 - Woman blowing her nose
13454522 - Airshower
13296673 - Medical consultation
12641713 - Allergy Reaction on Skin, illustration
13964535 - Man blowing his nose
13453061 - Pollen trapped in mucus on nose hair, SEM
13297236 - Walnuts
12950058 - Woman walking in a field
12645417 - Allergic conjunctivitis
13688825 - Allergic dermatitis
12949960 - Dandelion
12651859 - Ryegrass
12283961 - Spirometry
13956158 - Runny nose, illustration
13602161 - Allergy symptoms, conceptual illustration
12651861 - Cocksfoot grass
12645357 - Drug allergy reaction
12385480 - Itch
12949791 - Seasonal allergies
12645358 - Facial swelling from bee stings
12645355 - Drug allergy reaction
12643340 - Desensitization therapy for allergic patient
12643270 - Doctor examining hands of a patient
12643193 - Man suffering from a pain in the ankle
12490624 - Woman touching her eyelid
12302503 - Food allergen
13454508 - Young male patient sleeps under air shower
12390273 - Allergic rash
12389762 - Teenage girl undergoing skin prick test
13964534 - Man blowing his nose
12949367 - Man using an app on his smartphone in a supermarket
12949357 - Man using an app on his smartphone in a supermarket
12643174 - Man house cleaning
12639626 - Dust Mite
12490426 - Severe eczematous rash on the hands of a woman
12385486 - Woman with hay fever blowing her nose
12332362 - Woman scratching her neck
12286778 - Woman injecting epinephrine
12051059 - Swollen eye
13964531 - Man blowing his nose
12640396 - Coughing, illustration
12490427 - Severe eczematous rash on the hands of a woman
13964541 - Man blowing his nose
13674850 - Epinephrine hormone, conceptual image
13297045 - Flowers arranged as lungs
12645410 - Allergic reaction
12298122 - Nose hair with pollen grain, mucus, dead skin, SEM
13674849 - Epinephrine hormone, conceptual image
12950178 - Doctor instructing a girl on how to use asthma inhaler
12949792 - Seasonal allergies
12645352 - Drug allergy reaction
12643339 - Desensitization therapy for allergic patient
12641524 - Allergies, illustration
12581295 - Dust mite desensitization treatment
11727911 - Urticaria
12950053 - Woman walking in a field
12949366 - Man using an app on his smartphone in a supermarket
12643192 - Man suffering from a pain in the ankle
12643091 - Desensitization therapy for allergic patient
12584679 - Foods associated with allergies
11696839 - Infected eczema of the hand
12971432 - Allergy test, illustration
12949469 - Woman eating walnuts
12643194 - Man suffering from a pain in the ankle
12490307 - Woman allergic to dust
11722607 - Urticaria
14081379 - Pollen particles in the air, illustration
13419599 - Woman blowing her nose
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