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Rotierend Bilder ❘ Science Photo Library
13839432 - Global winds and air masses, illustration
13839416 - Day and night, illustration
13839413 - Day and night, illustration
13756217 - Bacterial flagellar motor-hooks, illustration
13736762 - Global winds and air masses, illustration
13839444 - Earth's rotation, illustration
13839447 - Earth's rotation, illustration
13732111 - Sine wave, illustration
13732107 - Sine wave, illustration
13732108 - Sine wave, illustration
13839415 - Day and night, illustration
13672994 - Radiating waves abstract illustration.
13839401 - Coriolis effect, illustration
13736492 - Binary rotation abstract illustration
13600972 - Sugar cane juice vendor in Mumbai
13525044 - Foetus in breech position, 19th century illustration
13736518 - Tornado, illustration
13600080 - Niagara Whirlpool, Canada
13839431 - Global winds and air masses, illustration
13500452 - Reflexology
13357461 - 24 hours Earth rotation, illustration
13226962 - Shell, X-ray
13839446 - Earth's rotation, illustration
13839445 - Earth's rotation, illustration
13736568 - Earth's rotation, illustration
14077822 - Nicolas Grollier de Serviere, bookwheel, illustration
13226984 - Shell, X-ray
13950628 - Sine wave, illustration
13839443 - Earth's rotation, illustration
13732110 - Sine wave, illustration
13406101 - Rotating fractal lattice illustration.
13243725 - Atomic Nucleus illustration.
13226976 - Shell, X-ray
13525043 - Shoulder presentation birth, 19th century illustration
13523022 - Wind turbines
13387388 - Young magnetar, X-ray image
13368060 - Bubble confined within vortices, light micrograph
13839412 - Day and night, illustration
13736513 - Coriolis effect, illustration
13633408 - Telephone with a rotary dial
13444336 - Rotation of the Earth, illustration
13226960 - Shell, X-ray
13839442 - Earth's rotation, illustration
13377667 - Radar, illustration
13736475 - Binary rotation abstract illustration
13672940 - Atomic nucleus with orbiting particles.
13406085 - Rotating fractal lattice illustration.
13377507 - Rotary potentiometer, illustration
13243684 - Radiating waves abstract illustration.
13672906 - Radiating waves abstract illustration.
13839430 - Global winds and air masses, illustration
13736759 - Day and night, illustration
13736567 - Day and night, illustration
13226979 - Shell, X-ray
12895046 - Spiral growth abstract illustration.
12656362 - Plasma filiments fractal illustration.
13839414 - Day and night, illustration
13839411 - Day and night, illustration
13226975 - Shell, X-ray
12656369 - Timeless clockface abstract illustration.
12645331 - Gamma-ray binary, illustration
13950627 - Sine and cosine waves, illustration
13839429 - Global winds and air masses, illustration
13839400 - Coriolis effect, illustration
12971907 - Magnetic field of Uranus, illustration
12970372 - Spiral abstract illustration.
12948169 - Atomic nucleus, quantum gravity abstract.
12645329 - Pulsar, illustration
13417421 - Foucault pendulum, 19th century
13226982 - Shell, X-ray
13226973 - Shell, X-ray
13225872 - Electric razor, X-ray
12970348 - Atomic nucleus abstract
12948146 - Atomic nucleus, quantum gravity abstract.
12895061 - Spiral growth abstract illustration.
13736628 - Global winds and air masses, illustration
13672899 - Atomic nucleus with orbiting particles.
13471785 - Illustration of swirling galaxy
13226983 - Shell, X-ray
13688884 - Wind turbines at sunrise
12971026 - Transparent globe rotating at speed
13272536 - 24 hours Earth rotation, illustration
12970352 - Atomic nucleus abstract
12656370 - Timeless clockface abstract illustration.
13688887 - Wind turbines at sunrise
13523023 - Wind turbines
13377549 - Simple direct current generator, illustration
13297892 - Observations of Mars, 1920 illustration
13243736 - Atomic Nucleus illustration.
13417379 - Embryonic nebulae accretion.
13243731 - Radiating waves abstract illustration.
12914382 - The Churuk Puja or Swinging Ceremony, India, 19th century
12895042 - Spectral light beams
13479288 - Woman exercising feet on airplane flight, illustration
13403372 - Pulsar, illustration
12969932 - Knee movement range, illustration
12582816 - Rotary motion, abstract illustration
13496359 - Black widow system, illustration
12970377 - Spiral abstract illustration.
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