Bilder Videos

Abstammung Bilder ❘ Science Photo Library

19th century tooth extraction
13586038 - 19th century tooth extraction
13951410 - Quarry
British flags crests and badges, illustration
13634148 - British flags crests and badges, illustration
Potash mine, Utah, USA
13950813 - Potash mine, Utah, USA
Potash mine, Utah, USA
13950805 - Potash mine, Utah, USA
Bishops heraldry, illustration
13634152 - Bishops heraldry, illustration
Extracting retained placenta, 19th century illustration
13525050 - Extracting retained placenta, 19th century illustration
Lithium mine, Uyuni, Bolivia, satellite image
13950784 - Lithium mine, Uyuni, Bolivia, satellite image
Homo erectus woman making a fire, illustration
13634187 - Homo erectus woman making a fire, illustration
Esquires and gentlemen heraldry, illustration
13634155 - Esquires and gentlemen heraldry, illustration
Knights heraldry, illustration
13634154 - Knights heraldry, illustration
Evaporation pond at potash mine, Utah, USA
13950807 - Evaporation pond at potash mine, Utah, USA
Tooth extraction
13613535 - Tooth extraction
Slate quarry
13951093 - Slate quarry
Evaporation ponds at potash mine, Utah, USA
13950808 - Evaporation ponds at potash mine, Utah, USA
Evaporation ponds at potash mine, Utah, USA
13950806 - Evaporation ponds at potash mine, Utah, USA
Elephant evolution, illustration
13586028 - Elephant evolution, illustration
Royal armorial bearings, illustration
13634149 - Royal armorial bearings, illustration
Tooth extraction
13525491 - Tooth extraction
Evaporation ponds at potash mine, Utah, USA
13950804 - Evaporation ponds at potash mine, Utah, USA
Sugar cane juice vendor in Mumbai
13600972 - Sugar cane juice vendor in Mumbai
Inherited diseases, conceptual illustration
13952202 - Inherited diseases, conceptual illustration
Salt flats, Ibiza, Balearic islands, satellite image
13755282 - Salt flats, Ibiza, Balearic islands, satellite image
Elephant evolution, illustration
13586027 - Elephant evolution, illustration
Royal armorial bearings, illustration
13634150 - Royal armorial bearings, illustration
Teosinte (Zea mays) kernels
13951917 - Teosinte (Zea mays) kernels
Global methane emissions from fossil fuel, 2016
13674556 - Global methane emissions from fossil fuel, 2016
Royal armorial bearings, illustration
13634151 - Royal armorial bearings, illustration
Gravel extracted from River Towy, Wales, UK
13479188 - Gravel extracted from River Towy, Wales, UK
Bacterial replication, conceptual illustration
13402989 - Bacterial replication, conceptual illustration
Farm silos and oil storage tanks
13273262 - Farm silos and oil storage tanks
Agricultural nitrogen fertiliser
13436099 - Agricultural nitrogen fertiliser
Big Bang explosion, conceptual illustration
13426835 - Big Bang explosion, conceptual illustration
13951409 - Quarry
Potash mine, Utah, USA
13950814 - Potash mine, Utah, USA
Elephant evolution, illustration
13586026 - Elephant evolution, illustration
Extracting retained placenta, 19th century illustration
13525051 - Extracting retained placenta, 19th century illustration
Formation of the Moon, illustration
13296467 - Formation of the Moon, illustration
Potash mine, Utah, USA
13950812 - Potash mine, Utah, USA
Hominin jaw comparison
13406533 - Hominin jaw comparison
Copper and cobalt mines, Kolwezi, DR Congo
13950787 - Copper and cobalt mines, Kolwezi, DR Congo
Track patterns in evaporation pond at potash mine, Utah, USA
13950810 - Track patterns in evaporation pond at potash mine, Utah, USA
Evaporation ponds at potash mine, Utah, USA
13950809 - Evaporation ponds at potash mine, Utah, USA
Knee bones, illustration
13435959 - Knee bones, illustration
Salt pans, aerial view
13218741 - Salt pans, aerial view
Delivery of a baby, 19th century illustration
13613559 - Delivery of a baby, 19th century illustration
Agricultural nitrogen fertiliser
13436100 - Agricultural nitrogen fertiliser
Salt pans, aerial view
13218745 - Salt pans, aerial view
Elephant evolution, illustration
13586025 - Elephant evolution, illustration
Agricultural nitrogen fertiliser
13436098 - Agricultural nitrogen fertiliser
Knee bones, illustration
13435956 - Knee bones, illustration
Formation of the Moon, illustration
13367747 - Formation of the Moon, illustration
Mitochondrial Eve, conceptual illustration
13839233 - Mitochondrial Eve, conceptual illustration
Dentist removing tooth due to a root cyst
13613533 - Dentist removing tooth due to a root cyst
Tooth extraction
13525492 - Tooth extraction
Bat pipette and coronavirus in petri dish, illustration
13502739 - Bat pipette and coronavirus in petri dish, illustration
Salt mine, Germany, 19th century illustration
13426995 - Salt mine, Germany, 19th century illustration
Formation of the Earth, illustration
13417877 - Formation of the Earth, illustration
Hominin skull from Sima de los Huesos
13272516 - Hominin skull from Sima de los Huesos
Harvesting salt
13218739 - Harvesting salt
Cartesian coordinates, illustration
12947934 - Cartesian coordinates, illustration
Portrait of gardening group on an allotment
12896479 - Portrait of gardening group on an allotment
Daughter and mother chatting over a cup of tea
12895241 - Daughter and mother chatting over a cup of tea
Early Earth,illustration
12895153 - Early Earth,illustration
Child learning to play pool
12894969 - Child learning to play pool
APOE gene results
12649984 - APOE gene results
Home DNA testing kit
12648130 - Home DNA testing kit
Merger of two neutron stars, simulation
12645323 - Merger of two neutron stars, simulation
Collapse of a Wolf-Rayet star
12645304 - Collapse of a Wolf-Rayet star
Lithium mine, Uyuni, Bolivia, satellite image
13950785 - Lithium mine, Uyuni, Bolivia, satellite image
Baronets heraldry, illustration
13634153 - Baronets heraldry, illustration
Oil extraction on farmland
13273263 - Oil extraction on farmland
Boys at home in baby chairs
12896570 - Boys at home in baby chairs
Group of children reading
12896294 - Group of children reading
Little boy doing gymnastics
12896137 - Little boy doing gymnastics
Little boy doing a headstand
12896131 - Little boy doing a headstand
Teosinte (Zea mays) ear and kernels
13951907 - Teosinte (Zea mays) ear and kernels
Limestone blockstone placed in river
13620763 - Limestone blockstone placed in river
Fracking site near Sayre, Oklahoma
13524629 - Fracking site near Sayre, Oklahoma
Hominin jaw comparison
13406531 - Hominin jaw comparison
Protoplanetary Earth, illustration
12948990 - Protoplanetary Earth, illustration
Childminder with twins in buggy
12896589 - Childminder with twins in buggy
Mother with twins
12896578 - Mother with twins
Boy at home in high chair
12896572 - Boy at home in high chair
Teenage girl on laptop computer,with teenage boy on mobile
12896565 - Teenage girl on laptop computer,with teenage boy on mobile
Little girl making a face
12896190 - Little girl making a face
Little boy stirring a mixing bowl
12896073 - Little boy stirring a mixing bowl
Teenage girl putting tins and cans into recycling bin
12895837 - Teenage girl putting tins and cans into recycling bin
South Asian daughter with her mother
12895259 - South Asian daughter with her mother
Copper Deposits in the Morenci Copper Mine
12650474 - Copper Deposits in the Morenci Copper Mine
Tea extraction and diffusion rates
14078520 - Tea extraction and diffusion rates
Doctor stitching up a wound after a tooth removal
13613534 - Doctor stitching up a wound after a tooth removal
Dentist stiches a patient's gums
13453948 - Dentist stiches a patient's gums
Open cast coal mine, aerial view
13443640 - Open cast coal mine, aerial view
Inside of a mine, 19th century illustration
13426996 - Inside of a mine, 19th century illustration
Salt pans, aerial view
13218740 - Salt pans, aerial view
Giant impact formation of the Moon, illustration
12948994 - Giant impact formation of the Moon, illustration
Portrait of teenage girl
12896429 - Portrait of teenage girl
Portrait of mixed race girl having her hands washed
12896305 - Portrait of mixed race girl having her hands washed
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