Bilder Videos

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Hurricane Harvey aftermath, Texas, USA
12447738 - Hurricane Harvey aftermath, Texas, USA
Hurricane Harvey aftermath, Texas, USA
12447739 - Hurricane Harvey aftermath, Texas, USA
Hurricane Harvey aftermath, Texas, USA
12447737 - Hurricane Harvey aftermath, Texas, USA
A vehicle with a smashed windscreen
11715994 - A vehicle with a smashed windscreen
A vehicle with a smashed windscreen
11715995 - A vehicle with a smashed windscreen
Dangling car
11720151 - Dangling car
Breakers yard
11810054 - Breakers yard
Road traffic accident
11898568 - Road traffic accident
Breaker's yard
11900165 - Breaker's yard
Car crash rescue
11633159 - Car crash rescue
Road traffic accident
11898569 - Road traffic accident
Car crash rescue
11633160 - Car crash rescue