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Abbildungen Bilder ❘ Science Photo Library
13634035 - Crystal Palace Sydenham, illustration
13618929 - Polybius tablets for encryption, illustration
13618916 - Polybius squares for encryption, illustration
14079057 - Melancholia, illustration
13614013 - Common moths of England, 19th century illustration
13618915 - Polybius squares for encryption, illustration
13618961 - Organs with delicate vascular systems, illustration
13618914 - Polybius squares for encryption, illustration
13614014 - Common moths of England, 19th century illustration
13614006 - Common moths of England, 19th century illustration
13386471 - Banks of the Jordan River, 19th century illustration
13618931 - Polybius tablets for encryption, illustration
13618956 - Feynman diagram, illustration
13672905 - Judgement of Paris, engraving, Raphael.
13618955 - Feynman diagram, illustration
13618959 - Organs with delicate vascular systems, illustration
13618930 - Polybius tablets for encryption, illustration
13614007 - Common moths of England, 19th century illustration
13476140 - Figures looking through funnel, illustration
13386482 - The Great Sphinx, Pyramids of Giza 1849
13272556 - Frescos, Temple of the Murals, Bonampak, Mexico
13614011 - Common moths of England, 19th century illustration
13477007 - Figures passing boxes or goods between them, illustration
12992572 - Social distancing, conceptual illustration
12987348 - Caryatids of the Erechtheion, Acropolis.
13477457 - Figures walking up and down bizarre staircase
13386478 - Pyramids of Giza, 19th century illustration
13614016 - Common moths of England, 19th century illustration
13614010 - Common moths of England, 19th century illustration
13614008 - Common moths of England, 19th century illustration
13475494 - Figures of men and women, illustration
13386472 - Ruins of the Temple of Baalbek, 19th century illustration
13272557 - Frescos, Temple of the Murals, Bonampak, Mexico
13226145 - Plastic cowboy figures, X-ray
13618960 - Organs with delicate vascular systems, illustration
13479157 - Dentist pointing to picture of a corn on the cob
13618957 - Feynman diagram, illustration
13614012 - Common moths of England, 19th century illustration
13443204 - Sunspots and ammonite fossil studies, 1705
13258202 - Candelabra Nazca lines, Peru
13258200 - Astronaut Nazca lines, Peru
14077797 - Newton's colour wheel theory, illustration
13474709 - Rainfall chart and container full of rainwater
12987355 - Caryatids of the Erechtheion, Acropolis.
13618962 - Organs with delicate vascular systems, illustration
13501931 - Anatomy of the neck
13497626 - Pocket calculator with colourful buttons
13476815 - Small figure kicking a large figure, illustration
13614015 - Common moths of England, 19th century illustration
13386481 - Luxor, 19th century illustration
13258215 - Humming bird Nazca lines, Peru
13672950 - Roos Carr Warriors, wooden carving.
13386473 - Fountain of Job, Jerusalem, 19th century illustration
13614009 - Common moths of England, 19th century illustration
13614005 - Common moths of England, 19th century illustration
12949696 - Southern constellations, 18th century
13672977 - Roos Carr Warriors, wooden carving.
13386479 - Boats on the Nile, 19th century illustration
13386475 - Citadel of Jerusalem, 19th century illustration
12992566 - Social distancing, conceptual illustration
14084371 - Illustrated map of Toscana, Italy
14084363 - Illustrated map of Italy
13587077 - Girl walking up steps, illustration
13502273 - The new planetarium in Paris, 1880
12992569 - Social distancing, conceptual illustration
14084372 - Illustrated map of Marche e San Marino, Italy
13386474 - Sea of Galilee, 19th century illustration
12894612 - Near-death experience,illustration
14084378 - Illustrated map of Lucania, Italy
13386496 - Mythological creature, 17th century illustration
14084374 - Illustrated map of Lazio, Italy
14084366 - Illustrated map of Veneto, Italy
13386497 - Mythological creature, 17th century illustration
13622670 - Medical practice financial reports, conceptual image
14084362 - Illustrated map of Corsica, France
13501596 - Astrolabe, 15th century
13443198 - Astronomical figures, 17th century illustration
12992567 - Social distancing, conceptual illustration
12991500 - Luca Pacioli
12582813 - Sego Canyon ancient anthropomorphs, Utah, USA
14084380 - Illustrated map of Sicily, Italy
14084369 - Illustrated map of Emilia, Italy
13386477 - Jerusalem, 19th century illustration
12944653 - Radiolarian, illustration
12942685 - Globe focused on Europe, illustration
12894528 - Rock art,Indonesia
14084373 - Illustrated map of Umbria, Italy
14084368 - Illustrated map of Venezia Giulia, Italy
13766190 - Cancer, conceptual illustration
13688725 - Euro cent coin next to blister packs
13501932 - Anatomy of the neck
13476898 - Figures of same shape and size in rows, illustration
12992571 - Social distancing, conceptual illustration
12942684 - Global connectivity, conceptual illustration
12582838 - Motion-sensor protecting pictographs
13476566 - Figures pointing at each other, illustration
12582860 - Graffiti on ancient pictographs, Utah, USA
14084370 - Illustrated map of Liguria, Italy
14084367 - Illustrated map of Venezia Tridentina, Italy
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